Home Automation is a way to monitor and control your home
When you’re at home, sensors and timers help turn your lights on and off to save energy. You can tap a Loxone Touch switch to set lighting levels for any occasion.
Indoors & Outdoors
Your sprinklers run based on the weather and amount of moisture in the soil, saving water and money. When away, you can use your Smartphone to check for locked doors or lights left on, and to change your A/C settings.
Monitor from your Phone
You can check to see if your garage door is open, and close it using your Smartphone. You receive email or text message alerts if sensors detect a water leak, smoke, or unexpected movement in the home.
Loxone Smart Home Intro
Loxone Smart Phone App
New Installations and New Construction
We design and install Home Automation Systems for existing and new homes, apartments and condos.
Install Loxone LED Lighting at the beginning of the build process to ensure fully integrated Home Automation. Click here for more Loxone Lighting Info
Schools and Commercial
Loxone technology can also be used in schools and commercial properties to automate lighting and A/C controls.
Who can benefit from Home Automation
Homeowners wanting to be on the “cutting edge”. Pet owners wanting to monitor their pets. Parents with active kids who are always coming and going (and forgetting to close the garage door).
Apartments and Condos
Apartment and Condo renters wanting the benefits of Home Automation but with portable devices.
The Benefits of Home Automation
Safety, peace of mind, convenience, efficiency, and ambiance. Living in a more comfortable environment, saving money, and conserving energy and water.